Tetrate Istio Distro Community

Upcoming Tetrate Istio Distro Community Events

Dec 9, 2021 AM 11:00 PST

Episode 15: Setting up Istio with external control plane

Join us on December 9th for the next Istio weekly episode, where we'll show you how to install Istio with an external control plane.

Past Events

Feb 18, 2021 AM 9:00 PST

What is GetIstio - Inaugural Community Meetup

Episode 00: What is GetIstio - Inaugural Community Meetup

Feb 22, 2021 - Feb 26, 2021

IstioCon 2021

IstioCon 2021 is the inaugural community conference for the industry's most popular service mesh.

Mar 4, 2021 AM 9:00 PST

Effortless Envoy and WASM with GetEnvoy

Episode 01: Effortless Envoy and WASM with GetEnvoy

Mar 18, 2021 AM 9:00 PDT

Istio the Easy Way with GetIstio

Episode 02: Istio the Easy Way with GetIstio

May 27, 2021 AM 11:00 PDT

SSL Certificates in Istio Ingress Gateway

Episode 03: SSL Certificates in Istio Ingress Gateway

Jun 10, 2021 AM 11:00 PDT

Deploying multiple Istio ingress gateways

Episode 04: Deploying multiple Istio ingress gateways

Jun 23, 2021 AM 8:00 CST

Istio Big Talk Episode 4

Istio Big Talk Episode 4

Jun 24, 2021 AM 11:00 PDT

Security in Istio

Episode 05: Security in Istio

Jun 30, 2021 AM 8:00 CST

Istio Big Talk Episode 5

Istio Big Talk Episode 5

Jul 8, 2021 AM 11:00 PDT

Istio Weekly Episode 6: Envoy Fundamentals

Istio Weekly Episode 6: Envoy Fundamentals

Jul 22, 2021 AM 11:00 PST

Episode 07: Developing Envoy Wasm Extensions

Episode 07: Developing Envoy Wasm Extensions

Aug 4, 2021 AM 1:00 EDT

Istio in the enterprise: Solving security and scale challenges for microservices in Kubernetes

Join experts from Mirantis and Tetrate as they guide you through some of the challenges of deploying

Aug 5, 2021 AM 11:00 PDT

Episode 08: External CA with Istio

Join us on August 5th for another Istio weekly episode where we will talk about how to configure external CA with Istio.

Aug 19, 2021 AM 11:00 PDT

Episode 09: Customizing Istio metrics

Join us on August 19th for another Istio weekly episode where we will talk about how to customize and create new service-level metrics.

Sep 2, 2021 AM 11:00 PST

Join us to learn about the Tetrate Istio Certified Administrator exam. Vijay Nadkarni will share his tips and tricks on how he prepared and passed the TCIA exam.

Nov 18, 2021 AM 11:00 PST

Access Control for Microservices

Join us on November 18th for the next Istio weekly episode where we'll talk with Tetrate's founding engineer, Ignasi Barrera.

Sep 16, 2021 AM 11:00 PST

Episode 11: Enterprise service mesh and why you need it

Join us to learn to manage and configure service meshes in enterprise environments. Adam will talk about scenarios that call for an enterprise service mesh such as TSB.

Oct 1, 2021 PM 4:00 PST

Episode 12: How I started contributing to Istio and Envoy

Join us on October 1st for the next Istio weekly episode where we will talk with Istio maintainer Aditya Prerepa.

Nov 24, 2021 PM 4:00 PST

Istio's new Wasm-based extension mechanism and ecosystem

Join us on November 24th for the next Istio weekly episode where we'll talk with Tetrate software engineer.

Contributing to GetIstio

There are multiple ways you can contribute and get involved in the community: